5:00pm to 7:00pm, Wednesday 9 July 2014
Kathleen Fitzpatrick Theatre, Arts West Building, University of Melbourne
The Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies and Faculty of Business and Economics
The China Symposium brings together leading academics and policy advisors to discuss the latest research on the Chinese economy. After three decades of rapid growth and transition from a planned economy, China is facing a tough set of challenges that threaten to derail its growth path. The leadership has called for deepening reforms to right the structural imbalances, fix institutional distortions, reduce environmental damage and improve income distribution. How will these reforms unfold? How will they affect China’s growth and that of other economies?
Professor Ross Garnaut AO (University of Melbourne)
Professor Christine Wong (University of Melbourne)
Professor Yao Yang (Dean, National School of Development, Peking University)
Professor Lu Yang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Professor Yiping Huang (National School of Development, Peking University)
Professor Xiaolu Wang (National Economic Research Institute, Beijing)
Professor Ligang Song (Australian National University)
Admission is free, but RSVP is essential to: china-centre@unimelb.edu.au.
Please see http://chinastudies.unimelb.edu.au for further information.